455 mots 2 pages
Devoir 1 – texte en anglais

Exercice 1 - Trouvez la traduction du mot anglais dans la colonne de droite.
1. stranded a. résultat
2. last(v) b. le premier (celui là)
3. at least c. encourager / pousser
4. likewise d. se penchant
5. appointment e. déranger
6. not (...) either f. suggestion
7. reluctant (adj) g. le dernier/celui ci
8. upshot (n) h. affalé
9. assume (v) i. en ce qui concerne
10. carried out j. aller avec
11. the former k. digérer / comprendre
12. the latter l. rendez-vous
13. to urge m. en rade
14. mind (v) n. supposer
15. to process o. durer
16. as far as (...) concerned p. de même
17. tip (n) q. non plus
18. match (v) r. réalisé / exécuté
19. leaning (v) s. au moins
20. slouched t. réticent

Exercice 2 - Répondez aux questions suivantes : cochez la bonne réponse.

1. The document is about
 Improving transportation networks
 Dealing with customer complaints
 The importance of communication in business

2. The article focuses on
 Managers and their subordinates
 Customers, managers, employees
 Families

3. The companies involved are
 All types of companies
 Online start ups
 Transportation companies

4. According to the article online and telephone customer service
 Have improved communication between companies and customers
 Are preferred by customers to person to person communication
 Are often frustrating

5. To be effective, a message should be
 Detailed and exhaustive
 Face to face, short and to the point
 In the FAQ section of the web site and recorded

6. Companies
 Have made great progress in communication
 Spend too much money on training employees in communication skills
 Need to make progress in communication

Exercice 3 - Compréhension détaillée
a) VRAI-FAUX (cochez la bonne case et justifiez avec des éléments du document)

1. Over the years thanks to IT communication between companies and their

en relation

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