Disertation mairie

411 mots 2 pages

Metrot realizes that there is a decline of productivity in his company. But the situation can improve through these various points :
The managers have a bad working technique because the employees do not understand what they make.
In this company, there is a lack of communication. The managers should make meeting to communicate with the staff and explain them for what they expect clearly from them. Therefore, it is necessary to make a meeting once every quarter to explain to them the objectives.
But also, it is important to the managers to explain to their employees the methods of work, their jobs, but also to train them so that they are more successful.
Last June a bad social policy was practiced by the managers. No communication was made during the dismissals of 60 employees.
That is why the managers will have to make a meeting of communication to explain the reasons of the departures of 60 employees.
Sends back it 60 employees is a heavy loss for the company, he so has less staff. To resolve this problem it should more develop the department R&D
A climate of fear settled down in the company. The employees are afraid of losing their employment. Thus they look for the other jobs before to be fired.
This climate is not favorable for the company; it owes react, to do it she owes: * The managers have to motivate their employees, they can motivate them by seminaries, meals to create a climate of confidence and safety. * Take advantage during these seminaries to explain the results of the company, but also the objectives, to clarify the situation with the employees. * To make a meeting once all the quarters to measure the temperature. * It is necessary to motivate his staff for example by improving to them their quality of life in the work.
The staff is not

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