Dissemination of managerial fashion and his consequences on organisations

5138 mots 21 pages
Dissemination of managerial fashions and his consequence on organizations and on the management advice industry

Noura ksentini abdelmoula*
Management and Economic Sciences University.
Road Bousna, number 14, Elhabib city, 3052, Sfax, Tunisia.
Email: nksentini@yahoo.fr.

Karim Ben Kahla
Professor in Management Sciences.

Dissemination of managerial fashions and his consequence on organizations and on the management advice industry


This paper investigates the emergence of several management fashions. It examines the dissemination of fashions in organizations and areas from which they emerge.
The aim of this article is to explain why new popular management concepts are adopted by managers and how they are diffused in organizations.
From the perspective of neo-institutional fashion theory, managers and consultants use discourses about new management ideas to demonstrate the credibility and legitimacy of their actions.

The management fashion literature illustrate that there is many actors who are responsible for the diffusion of management fashion. It shows the influence of these actors on overall management setting fashion process.
One can not deny the importance, in both magnitude and intensity of the management fashion phenomenon. From the perspective of the management community, managers are confronted daily with both popular and classic management concepts. On the other hand consultants are considered like the most popular promoters of new ideas and practices.
This paper contributes to address factors influencing the diffusion and the adoption of management fashions. In order to do so, we first review the existing literature on management fashion and point out consequences of managerial fashions on organizations and on the management advice industry. The second part of this paper outlines the methodological premises and details the empirical ground on which our research proceeded. The third section presents the

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