Easy jet

756 mots 4 pages

Easyjet is a british airline that was created in 1995. Easyjet is knowen for its low prices, and in 1998 Easyjet decided to be one of the first plane company to develop e-commerce. That meant that customers could buy their plane ticket online. This methode starting working really fast (1million seat in 18 month). In 2002, after merging with Go they had 65 Boeing, and 737 aircraft.
We will find out how did this idea came to them and how were the customers attracted.

They decided to sell ticket online for one main reason. The only reason was to save money, how were they going to do to save money? The call center in easyland was starting to becaume to small. They needed money to relocate to a larger facility. They had problems with the growth of customers, wich meant to hire more staff just to book the tickets. If they were only selling directlly to customers that means queuing for a ticket and going to a special place. Because of that they might start loosing customers wich means money.

They found a way to avoid all that cost and maybe use it for something else. They thaut of using internet and making a website for people to book online. But they had to face a few problems because back in the days people werent verry confortable with internet. For that they had to find a way to persude the customers to buy online.
In 1997 they made the first site easyjet.com with only little informations, but with a special phone booking line number. Customers started calling wich meant that this idea might work.
90% of the sales are made on the internt, It took them a little time to get to this number, but they found the best way to reach that pourcentage. They used discounts for the ones that buy on internet and restrict the flights available to customers on the phone: You can onlly book online if you want a flight more than 1 month in advanced. Everyone were winners: people could book from their home and easyjet were saving money.
But they had to face

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