Exposé anglais

1116 mots 5 pages

How Tassimo to such successful differentiate itself from its competitors ?

I Company Presentation

Kraft Foods Inc.is the number 2 worldwide in food and drink. His products are in 149 countries, and the company represent more than 114,000 employees and has 61 brands.
Kraft Foods France is a food group. Leader in two markets, coffee and chocolate, with a 10 brands These brands have a high reputation:- coffee:Carte Noire, Black Velvet, Jacques Vabre, Grand- mère, Maxwell House.- Chocolate:Milka, Suchard, Cote d'Or, Toblerone, Daim.This multinational produced a pods machine, Tassimo, in partnership with the company Braun.Thie particularity is to offer not only coffee but also chocolate (Suchard) and tea (Twinnings). Moreover pods (or T Disk) contain barcodes that allow the machine to identify the desired beverage and water dosed accordingly.

II) description of the product and its different technical characteristics and distribution The Tassimo machine has several very interesting technical innovations as the introduction of new capsules. This machine offers an innovative design and highly valuable natural taste through the foam and the different flavors (such as coffee, chocolate and cappuccino), which differentiates machines nespresso nespresso machines because that can make espresso coffee Moreover, its use is convenient and easy.
Tassimo machines located in supermarkets, specialty stores, department stores, and online.

characteristics | Tassimo | Water pressure | Approximately 8 bars | Water tank | 0,9 litres | Power | 1550 w | Preparation time for a cup | 30 to 45 seconds |

III) Products Classification

a) Durability :

The product is durable, has a good value for money and it's easy to use. It's not damaged at the first use.
Tassimo coffee maker have a 5 years life span

b) Frequency of purchase

Anomalous product : specific purchase

c) Customs of

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