Intercultural negotiation

5514 mots 23 pages
The multicultural negotiation
Intercultural communication in Business & Management

In our actual world the companies are confronted to the Globalization of the economy, which incites it to internationalize their business if they expect to survive. Nevertheless, the globalization of the economy and the global usage of the English language doesn’t mean that all companies became suddenly similar, adopting the same structure and the same organization of work. Indeed if we attend to the internationalization of the exchange, the companies, big or small, kept their original identity. Today, more than before, the cultural matters has become a central element in the strategy of development of the companies, as the rise of intercultural management show us. An interesting figure demonstrates that 50% joint ventures and mergers are failing because of cultural reasons. The problematic which is raised here is to know how to dread the intercultural differences in the communication in business. Before to become a critical issue for the companies which are internationalizing, what is the role of culture when two foreign companies are dealing? How can we prepare ourselves to face the problems raised by the intercultural negotiations?
Before the answer this questions, we have to define the context, and especially the terms we’ll deal with. Firstly, what is negotiation? Negotiation is a procedure of decision through whom people tend to find a common agreement instead of acting by an unilateral way. The negotiation is a privileged tool of exchange between people, especially in order to adjust their points of view or in order to solve conflicts. In that sense, it is one of the most fundamental springs of the life, and especially of the business life. Secondly, what is culture? Culture is a whole of models that anyone is acquiring and transmitting through symbols and which describes this previous behavior and determines his future behavior. For Adler, the core of

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