marketing dans les établissements privés de santé

511 mots 3 pages

The development of marketing has emerged from industrial to service sector, i.e., from tangible goods to intangible services, where health care is no exception. With technology progress and human knowledge improvements, health services are in a significant evolution. Healthcare marketing plays a primary role in this evolution. It is used by healthcare institutions as both a strategy and a tool to achieve their objectives by improving health services, and meeting customer requirements. Strategic marketing is used to be well positioned in the market place, whereas marketing mix, through its enlarged elements, are implemented to be superior in serving customers` needs and wants. High quality health product, alongside with price and distribution play a key role in gaining customer satisfaction. Good promotional efforts help in communicating with target markets effectively and efficiently. Qualified personal contribute to establish trust and build mutual relationships with patients. Physical facilities make health services more tangible for the beneficiaries. Finally, processes facilitate health procedures and increase satisfaction with the provided services.
The objective of this research is to test the impact of health marketing mix elements on the improvement of health services of the Algerian private healthcare institutions, in Constantine region. It is found out that the emerging competitive environment shaping the Algerian market of healthcare services, has opened way to adopting marketing as a strategy of business to improve the quality of health services and achieve customer satisfaction.
Key words
Marketing, Healthcare marketing, Healthcare marketing mix, Private healthcare institutions, Constantine, Algeria


L’application du marketing à bien développé a nos jours, où elle a dépassé les biens matériels pour aller au domaine de la santé, que celui-ci a enregistré des progrès significatifs dans la prestation des services,

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