Sexual violence

541 mots 3 pages
Sexual Violence a) Introduction
Sexual Violence is one of the biggest problems in South Africa. It shows how much the inequality between men and women is important. The impact of the violence decrease women’s sense of personal security and their quality of life. Sexual violence became very common in this country. South Africa has one of the highest levels of rape in the world. A woman has more chance of being raped than learning how to read. A survey has found that one in four men in South Africa has already rapped someone and many confess to attacking more than one victim. Most men admitted that they had done their first rape before the age of 20. Unfortunately, most rapists are unpunished because it is one of the most under-reported crimes. b) Why are they so many rapes?
They are lots of reason that explain the high rate of sexual violence in South Africa. First, there is a myth that having sex with a virgin can treat the AIDS virus. It’s the reason why young girls are the target of the rapists. An other reason, that is also suited to HIV virus, is that a rapist believes girls are less likely than an older woman, to infect him with AIDS.
Some surveys show that men think that women enjoy to be raped, they ask to be raped or even that if a girl says “no” to sex, it means that she say yes.
Rapes are so normal that some men and women don’t think that to force sex on someone in your entourage is an act of sexual violence. And some girls don’t know that they have the right to refuse to have sex with someone.
They are many other reasons, including that young men rape girls to put her in her place, to break her pride and her dignity, and to teach her a lesson. c) Gang rape
Gang rape is a frequent form of Sexual Violence. This aspect of rape is really practiced and some teenagers find that gang rape is like a game and it’s cool and fun. What is Gang rape? Gang rape is when several men rape one woman. They are two sorts of gang rape, “jackrolling” which

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