Stress management

1749 mots 7 pages
Managing Stress at Work Work Related Stress
The Health & Safety Executive defines stress as ‘the adverse reaction a person has to excessive pressure or other types of demands placed upon them’. This makes a distinction between ‘pressure’, which can be a positive state if managed correctly, and ‘stress’ which can be detrimental to health. Organisational arrangements
Staff shouldwork in a safe environment with safe systems of work * by providing a workplace free from harassment and victimisation; * by developing sound management practice based on equality of treatment; * by providing a framework of employment, health, safety and security policies and systems to support managers and staff in minimising the risk of work-related stress; * by effective workload allocation and feedback on performance; * by ensuring good communication; * by providing information and training to enable staff to develop their skills and maximise their contribution to the success of the company; * By providing appropriate employee support services.
2.2 Manager’s responsibility
It is essential that managers have an active role in facilitating and supporting staff to do their job effectively and to contribute to the success of the department. In order to minimise the risk of work-related stress, managers must: * Ensure good communication particularly where there are organisational and procedural changes; * ensure jobs are designed to avoid conflicting demands and that expectations and the job role are clear; * ensure staff are fully trained to undertake the demands of their job and are able to contribute to decisions about how the job is done; * ensure there are regular opportunities for feedback on performance e.g. regular ‘one to one’ meetings and team meetings; * identify or respond to issues of concern promptly and seek constructive solutions; * make use of the support and training resources available; * ensure

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