Do you think tant a radio or tv programme could cause such collective panic today? why or why not?

358 mots 2 pages
Do you think tant a radio or TV programme could cause such collective panic today? Why or Why not?

The 30 October 1938, On CBS to the radio, The broadcast “Mercury Theatre on the air” presents an adaptation from “The War of the Worlds” by H.G Wells. In the broadcast, a fake CBS’ newcaster announce aliens invasion as a breaking news. Actually, the terrible new was a entertainment performed by actors. Regrettably, a lot of people believed to the martians attack, and were panic-stricken.

During the 1930 years, the only way to get informed was the radio. But people listened it also to amused. Families often gathered arround the radio, as the families gathered arround the TV today. They listened music, reports, or games. peoples did not think that they could be deceived by radio media. For many of us, this is the only way to keep contact with outside world. Firtsable, because the newspapers did not delivered information in live, and secondable, because television or other technologies like internet still do not exist, so they trust the radio. Nowadays, everything is different. Indeed, today we have got many mediums to get informations. We still using radio, but it has a less important impact on population. They are a lot of differents newspapers, for some of us they are two editions day, the morning and the evening. Other than newspapers, there is internet information, offering many differents source of information, constantly update. But the most influencing and reliable way to get inforformed is television. Today everybody watches televison broadcast news, there even are specialized channels in information. So when there is an information as important as a martians attack, the news is everywhere, on radio, TV, newspapers and internet. Making that if an information source cheats like CBS in 1938, it’s not credible because of the others information source.

To my mind, I do not think that Radio or Tv programme could cause a collective panic like the

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