anglais S 2014

2216 mots 9 pages
Les réponses qui ne figurent pas dans cette proposition de corrigé sont laissées à l’appréciation du correcteur.

Document A
Tous les candidats traiteront les questions suivantes
A. Pick out three of Mr Fonseka’s activities during the voyage. Say what they have in common. Justify with at least three quotations.
Recite from memory / Read stories / Sing.
An interest in literature / books.
Elements from the text: “recite by heart” (l. 2) – “(he welcomed me) with unusual and interesting stories” (l. 4) – “he would at some point begin reading to me” (l. 12-13) –
“he was actually quoting something” (l.15) – “He’d sing a song from the Azores or recite lines from an Irish play.” (l. 17-18)
Accepter : “he sat at his desk all day” (l.2-3)
(literature = 1 pt) + (1 pt par citation) = 4 pts
B. Which four adjectives best correspond to Mr Fonseka’s personality? Justify each with a quotation from the text.
- kind: “he welcomed me with unusual and interesting stories” (l. 4) / “he would at some point begin to read to me” (l.12-13)
- captivating: “it was the anonymity of the stories and the poems that went deepest into me.” (l. 13-14) / “unusual and interesting stories” (l. 4) / “he beguiled them”
- knowledgeable: “he had this wide-ranging knowledge of books.” (l. 17) / “he knew passages from all kinds of books” (l.2)
- serene: “to draw forth an assurance… from the books he read.” (l. 21) / “a serenity that came with the choice of life he wanted to live.” (l. 23) / “and this serenity and certainty …” (l. 24)
- Une seule justification par adjectif suffit
- Aucun point si le candidat ne donne pas de justification
- Aucun point si la justification contredit le choix de l’adjectif
(4 × 1 pt =) 4 pts
C. Why does the narrator visit Mr Fonseka? Choose the two statements that are correct and justify with a quotation for each.
3. Mr Fonseka’s stories fascinate him: “I’d attempt to add to the bare bones of an

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