Ingénieurie projet internationaux

1182 mots 5 pages
* First landing
Export type business: Why you export, could be a cost decision, or an apparent export opportunity. It works with an export department located at the headquarter.

Reasons to go abroad: * excess capacity * cost over/under absorption * apparent export opportunity

First Landing Modus Operandi : * Export Department at HQ * Representative Office in the target country * Working via an Agent * Working via Distributor

* Export from HQ
Tenders Analysis
Deal Closing
Execution & Delivery
After Sales / Warrantee


Specifications: you’re answering to tenders.

Bid Bond: A debt secured by a bidder for a construction job or similar type of bid-based selection process for the purpose of providing a guarantee to the project owner that the bidder will take on the job if selected. The existence of a bid bond provides the owner with assurance that the bidder has the financial means to accept the job for the price quoted in the bid.

Hit rate: a success rate

You bid only for the projects you’re almost sure to win.

The most important element is the T and Cs (terms and conditions) in a negotiation.
Why do we sell to the clients?
Ex: we sell room controllers for air-conditioned rooms in a hotel. We guarantee a result to the client, we commit to something. Lawyers can help us to specify our bid.

Arms length
Open auction
If negotiation failed, you can try to get a partnership with the winner; or you can go to court (like Alstom with the Eurostar case). You protest b/c the conditions of the tenders were unfair, which freezes the process and leaves you time to…. It usually ends with an off-court settlement.
(Alstom réclamait la suspension de l'appel d'offres portant sur 10 trains d'une valeur de 600 millions d'euros et avançait l'argument que les spécifications des trains voulus par Eurostar ne sont pas conformes aux

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