
2537 mots 11 pages
Management Role and Type
Manager & Management Behaviour Leadership & Personal Development Stress & conflict Management Recruitment
Pedagogy Manager : Laurence GASQUET September, 2009 Master 2 IRT (Bac+5) option IBE : International Business Engineer

Simple behavior test
PCD method: very simple behavior test
(Tick either the box on the left or the right. Only one response per line. So ->20 questions to answer)

Stimulant - Stimulating Affirme - Affirmative Sûr de soi - Sure of him/herself, confident Démonstratif - Demonstrative, expansive Volontaire - Willing Dominateur - Domineering, Dominator Agit - Acts before thinking Direct- Direct, forthright, outspoken A voix forte - strong voice Véhément - Ardent, earnest

Passif - Passive Pose des Questions - Asks questions Timide - Shy Effacé - Meek, Self-effacing Subtil - Subtle Accommodant - Accomadating, obliging Raisonne - thinks beforehand Hésitant - Hesitant, tentative A voix douce - soft voice Détendu - Cool, calm

Froid - Cold, unfriendly, distant Chaleureux - Warm, friendly, approachable Pondéré - Balanced, calculated Impulsif - Impulsive Discipliné - Disciplined Spontané - Spontaneous Tourné vers la tâche - Job orientated Tourné vers les gens - People orientated Insensible - Insensitive Sensible - Sensitive Maître de soi - His/ her own boss, under control Expansif - Effusive Formel - Formal Informel - Informal Sérieux - Serious Jovial - Good-humoured, jovial Renfermé - Reserved, contained, restrained Exubérant - Exuberant, unreserved, lively Inexpressif - Inexpressive, life-less Expressif - Expressive

Member of an organization having in charge a part of it, for which he/she committed its responsibility on a set of objectives and in which he/she makes necessarily activity of commanding on a more or less extended number of employees

Delegation of the employer, responsibility in terms of results, staff supervision

High level of training, good

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