Qu'est-ce que le flow

1003 mots 5 pages
What are you ready to do to produce « flow»…

One of the main ideas I have retained about creativity is that you have to be able and ready to consider things in different ways in order to modify or increase your personal or professional angle shot. Your creativity depends on your ability to succeed in going out written ways of thinks or traditional approaches. But it’s also a personal decision and the materialization of an in-depth wish: you can’t jump the river if you don’t want to… I will then try to deliver here not an academic report, with beautiful citations stolen to others people I don’t know, but a personal and as sincere as possible point of view.

I read a lot of different definitions and several articles dealing with the “flow” on internet, I thought about the written example given in the syllabus and I thought again and again… what is exactly the flow? For sure I found the explanations of Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, about the the nine components accompanying this concept, or some nice definitions as:”the suspension of time, the freedom of complete absorption in activity”. The more I read about, the less I was able to delimit the definition because each one seems to me so more reductive…

Thus, I decided to stop reading and just thinking about by myself. What could be a concept, an experience in fact, which consist in enjoying an accessible challenge which make you absorbed into the process and could give you an immediate return on invest in terms of pleasure?

At the end, I arrived to my proper definition (hope you are well seated and open-minded…): it is about the aim of all our life. What do we always look for all along our life? To live and do things we love, for which we feel fully engaged, which seem to be accessible for us in order to allow a regular self-satisfaction and a feeling of personal development. Because, to be honest, who enjoy doing things he dislikes or for which he doesn’t feel concerned or, the baddest, for which he perfectly

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