Rapport de stage londre

4714 mots 19 pages
[Tapez le nom de société] 1 IPEX REPORT


CREST of London Souvenirs and gifts Chain in London

A D R I E N F U S A D E I N S E E C B O R D E A U X P R O M O T I O N 2 0 1 2

IPEX Report Crest of London


THANKS I would like to sincerely thank Mr. Ravi for the opportunity he gave to me to work in a London company. I would like also thanking all the team for their hearty and warm welcome in the Crest of London Company and particularly Mr. Hatot for his help and good humour.


Introduction Diagnostic of the firm Presentation of Crest of London Internal analysis External analysis Difference between France and England on the professional aspect Conclusion




The IPEX internship was the opportunity to work in a foreign country, discover their habits, way of living, and improve our understanding of the world. The aim was to open our eyes on the world, understand new cultures, and become open-­‐minded on things that are different from France. I

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