Marketing theory

1959 mots 8 pages
1. discuss how the paper summarizes/synthesizes insights from past studies related to the topic :150

2. discuss the theoretically and methodologically rigorous approach for investigating the issues :150

3. discuss what the paper contributes beyond what is already known; discuss the findings from the investigation and how insights from the findings add to current knowledge :200

4. discuss the paper’s limitations :150

5. suggest issues and directions for further scholarly inquiry 150

6. draw and explain their own conclusions and recommendations in a clear and analytical way 150

The increasing amount of Global movements and interactions has enhanced the Cosmopolitan debate importance, and many recent socio-political scholars are trying to theorize this phenomenon. Among these scholars, Thompson and Tambyah, in their paper called “trying to be Cosmopolitan”, are giving some insight on Cosmopolitanism as a consumer orientation. In this study, Thompson and Tambyah are analysing the consumption stories of some expatriates trying to be Cosmopolitans. Through an investigation of the practises of Cosmopolitans towards consumption and the reading of a number of theories from scholars, I will try to situate this paper among these theories, I will analyse it in depth by discussing the different findings and its limitations, and then I will draw my recommendations and directions for further scholarly inquiry.

First of all, it appears to me essential to discuss how this paper synthesizes insights from past studies related to the topic.

Furthermore, this paper aims to improve our comprehension of cosmopolitanism as a consumer orientation, and consumption area which is actually not yet deeply investigated. Basically, Thompson and Tambyah are concluding that trying to create a cosmopolitan identity involve dealing with issues as masculine and

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