Organic food scandinavia

8538 mots 35 pages
Export of fruit and vegetables to the EU

Fact sheet on Hygiene, Quality and Phytosanitary Requirements for Fruit and Vegetables in the EU

The information provided in this export guide is believed to be accurate at the time of publishing. It is, however, passed on to the reader without any responsibility on the part of the authors and it does not release the reader from the obligation to comply with all applicable legislation. The authors or publishers make no warranty, expressed or implied; concerning the accuracy of the information presented, and will not be liable for injury claims pertaining to the use of this publication or the information contained therein. No obligation is assumed for updating or amending this publication for any reasons, be it new or contrary information or changes in legislation, regulations or jurisdiction.

Foodstuffs account for an important part of the production coming from the developing countries and the sector represents a great export potential. In order to make the most of this potential, it is, however, necessary to improve and adjust the quality of the products in order that they may live up to the requirements of the export markets. The first barrier is for the exporter to obtain knowledge about the requirements and needs of the export markets, and as far as exporting to the EU is concerned, it may prove very difficult indeed to get a clear picture of all the various types of legislation that define the requirements of the individual product. The various foodstuffs are all covered by a mutual basic legislation but in addition to this, further legislation apply depending on the type of product. In relation to the legislation it is expedient to devide foodstuffs into three categories: Fresh fruit and vegetables, vegetable processed foodstuffs and animal foodstuff. The Danish Import Promotion Programme DIPP has in co-operation with the Danish Food Directory and QMS Consult drawn up three fact sheets

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