
10145 mots 41 pages
Capstone Research

How Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can improve the effectiveness of HR practices
The case: Electronic Human Resources (e-HR)

Obaira Afifi

SSC 4302
Capstone for HRD

Supervisor: Dr. Karim Moustaghfir
Second Reader: Dr. Duncan Rinehart

Spring 2008

Table of Content
I.Abstract Error! Bookmark not defined.
II. Executive Summary : 5
III. Introduction 7
IV. Literature review: 9
V. Methodology: 17
1. Approach : 17
2. Interviews and focus group: 18
3. Time Frame: 21
VI. Findings : 21
1. Problems highlighted within the old HR system: 22
2. e-HR vs. HR practices : 23
3. e-HR vs. Employees : 26
4. Different HR software’s : 29
5. Types of Clients: 31
VII.Discussion: 33
1.Types of clients: 33
2. Comparison between the old system and the new system: 34
3. E-HR vs. employees: 34
4. E-HR vs. HR practices: 35
VIII. Recommendation: 37
IX. Conclusion: 39
X. Future Research 39
XI. Limitation of the research: 38
XII. Bibliography: 40
XIII. Appendices: 42
Apendix 1 : ARINSO Interview questions: 42
Appendix 2 :CNSS Interview questions 43
Appendix 3 :Focus Group Questions 44

Table of Figures
Table 1: Methodology 20
Table 2: Time Frame 21
Table 3: Employee Self Service (ESS) 27
Table 4: Manager Self Service (MSS) 27

Acronym used
ICT : Information and Communication Technology
IT : Information Technology
IC : Information and Communication
HR : Human Resources e-HR : Electronic Human Resources
HRD : Human Resources Development
ERP : Enterprise Resources Planning
ESS : Employee Self Service
MSS : Manager Self Service
CNSS : Caisse National de Securité Social

I. Abstract Almost all organizations are suddenly interested in implementing Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and developing the human capacities that will allow them to compete in a networked world. The daily administrative duties within a Human Resources Department (HRD) started changing slowly since the

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