Cours d4anglais dut tc

489 mots 2 pages
Vocabulaire :
PR event : public relation
A trade fair :un salon d’exposition
To mumble :marmonner
A schedule=a diary : agenda
“to engage a small talk”: conversation banale
“asap”:as soon as possible
A venue:un endroit (pour unévènement)
Dans une adresse mail :
« …..-… - : dash ; @ :at ; « . » :dot ; « _ » :underscore
Expected Time Arrival :ETA = heure d’arrivée
An arrangement =an organisation
Legal structure : statut juridique
A state-owned company : government owns the shares
A public limited company (PLC) :anyone can buy and sell sharesbut the big share, holders are generally other companiesor private equity funds=pension funds
English: the small business
Pros and cons of different legal structures :

| pros | cons | Public limied company:the public is abl to buy and sell their shares on the stock Exchange | There are a lot of shareholders so it brings in a lot of capital to the company | The original owners wan lose control of the company if pther êp^me pf companies get more than 50% of the total numbers of shares | Sole trader: this is the simpliest way of starting a business.your are self-employed and entirely responsible for all aspects of running your own business | Easy to set up;not complicated because tlhere is one manager | You are responsible for everything for the management, debts: you risk losing everything | Partnership: 2 people want to start a company.everything is shared:responsabilities,debts,profits and losses. | * The responsibilities are shared between the partners * Can be a retail business or a firm of tradesp | You need to find partners you can trust | Private limited company:specific administration procedures must be followed ( small and medium companies) | Compared to a partnership,the financial responsibility is limited | It more complicated to set up than a partnership |

The shareholders provides the capital and receive dividends:percentage of the profit.
A relevant

en relation

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