Knowledge management of textil company

1272 mots 6 pages
I- The 6 elements of knowledge management

A- Strategy

We work with our customers in France and our buyers in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indian and China.

Our strategy is to anticipate the modes (summer and winter) to satisfy our buyer and propose them perfect garments according to their needs.

So first we ask to our suppliers if they can do the product and if they can develop samples to show to our buyers.
After this step we must agree on price, on payment condition, on delivery date between buyer and supplier.

We make no marketing and no advertising, we have a lot of buyers and they are sufficient for us. We are never looking for news customers, it works by word of mouth and if they want, customers contact us.

Regarding International strategy, our goal is to find suppliers who can make whatever the buyer wants. We are always looking for new suppliers who are able to do what they asked them.

As we can see on annex we base our research of new suppliers on several criteria (cf annex).
This strategy has been established according to the result of our SWOT analysis (cf. annex)

B- Culture

The culture of the company is based on different elements as below:

➢ History : the company was founded in 1986 by Mr Vergara Thierry ➢ Products evolution: the products evolve according to modes and depending on what our customers want but also by our suppliers it means the different technical they can do (embroidery, print, peach effect finish…) ➢ Original cultural context: it is national because our office is in Paris and we work with French customers but in the same time it is international because we work with foreign country like China, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and with have to adapt us to each culture. ➢ Symbol : we have no symbol ➢ Values : our company is based on 3 values : organisation, respect and responsibility ➢ Dress code : we have no dress code ➢ Language : our language is normal but when we talk

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